I hope you will follow Susie's journey with me, as we bring this important story to the big screen. I am honored to be working with dedicated and talented producers, John McKinny, Laura Hart-McKinny and Altair Casting and Production Services (www.altaircaps.com). A significant portion of all proceeds goes to Susie's Hope non-profit work of animal abuse prevention and education. If you would like to help, tax-deductible donations can be made to the film through Susie's Hope at http://susieshope.com/themovie.htm, and we will be listing all of the donors in the film's credits.
Based on a true story, a woman scarred by a pit-bull attack rescues a burned, abandoned puppy, but first she must learn how to heal herself.
The film follows Susie and Donna Lawrence on their journey from being victims of violence to being an inspiration for change, ultimately enacting “Susie’s Law,” new legislation preventing animal cruelty in the State of North Carolina.
As always, I tremendously appreciate your support in my many endeavors! It's a crazy business, and your encouragement is my sanity.